
ClickIvy Software by Yves Kouyo And Upgrade OTO – Profitable Brand New Web-App Creates Attention-Brabbing Quotes To Generate A Flood Of FREE Traffic,

ClickIvy Software by Yves Kouyo And Upgrade OTO – Best Brand New Web-App Creates Attention-Brabbing Quotes To Generate A Flood Of FREE Traffic, Leads And Tasty Profits In Any Niche

ClickIvy Software by Yves Kouyo And Upgrade OTO is Best Brand New Web-App Creates Attention-Brabbing Quotes To Generate A Flood Of FREE Traffic, Leads And Tasty Profits In Any Niche. Social media is the new-age marketplace. Customers from all walks-of-life and from all over the world are flocking on platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. And if you aren’t tapping in this pot of gold…you are leaving tons of money on the table. ClickIvy oto is a revolutionary software that gets you FREE Traffic from Social Media on autopilot. In a nutshell, ClickIvy is a cloud-based, newbie-friendly software app that finds trending content on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram that you can easily transform into ultra targeted campaigns that are highly engaged for massive traffic with the click of your mouse. Check Here! The Overall ClickIvy pro Features is Built-In, Meme & Quote Generator, Multiple Sorting Options Save You Time And Make It Easy To Laser-Target, Easy Retargeting Amplifies Your Results With No Work On Your Part, and more. Built-in retargeting instantly increases your results, reduces your ad spend if you’re also running paid traffic, and takes your business to the next level. Simply enter your retargeting pixel link into the ClickIvy upsell software and you’re good to go. The Benefit is 100% SAAS Based Software, 100% Newbie Friendly, No need Hosting or Website of Your own, and more. With ClickIvy, there are no limits holding you back. Create as many traffic-getting ClickIvy links as your heart desires. How ClickIvy pro oto Works? Step #1: Using the ‘Point-n-Click’ built-in editor and create the best, most engaging, trending memes and quotes that people like, share, and click on within minutes. Step #2: Publish on FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked In, Tumblr & Reddit for massive buyer traffic and an earnings explosion. And Step #3: Memes and Quotes get shared like nothing else so sit back and watch the traffic surge into your lead capture pages, stores and blogs. If you have ever used paid traffic, you’ll know that it easily sets you back $2 per click or more. So for just 100 clicks, you could easily pay $200, with no guarantee of sales. This can quickly escalate into hundreds or even thousands of dollars that you’ve invested in your business. But with ClickIvy you will never pay per click because all the traffic that you generate is free and targeted. Click here to put your traffic worries behind you and get ClickIvy with these exclusive bonuses today. The price on ClickIvy review may go up any moment without any prior notice. So hurry up and lock in your special pricing and get instant access to ClickIvy.